Sunday, 15 February 2015

Chulilla, a winter escape

It's been a pretty sunny winter so far, but yearning for something sunnier Jen and I head for something a little (but not much!) warmer. Bring on 3 days climbing in Chulilla. This time we took a slightly classier stay in Restaurant 'El Pozo' where you can sleep and eat, including a bottle of wine and a brilliantly cooked 4 course evening meal for 40 euro. Spot on! 

Massive 48 photo stitch of the Lower Gorge

On to the climbing, well it was actually pretty darn cold! Not that this stopped us, hauling in some good ticks. Jenni Farlopez perhaps being my fave, at 7a+. Gently overhanging 25m stamina ptich with a tough crux on crozzly tufas low down. Class!

Braving the Cold
Embracing? the cold

Logistics are a little tricker than the Costa Blanca crags, as Valencia doesn't have a very good connection to Bristol, but bring on a brand new Fiat 500, a tank of fuel, and all those EU funded roads.... I was very happy to have achieved an average of 98km/h in this little Italian 1.0l beast....

This place is definitely my favourite Winter Hot Rock destination right now; there are so many great, hard lines in the 7n's, and so much unbolted potential. It's going to be massive, and before the secret's out, I'm going to make the most of it..... See you there in Autumn.

Name Grade Style
Annie Hall P1 5a Lead O/S
Aitana 5c Lead O/S
Las lituanas 6b ** Lead O/S
Pim Pam Pons (L1) 7a+ *** Lead RP
Jenni Farlopez (aka Todo por el club) 7a+ Lead RP
Top of the Rock 7a *** Lead RP
Las Profesionales 6b ** Lead O/S
La costra nostra 6b+ ** Lead O/S